Front-End Developer

Bohdan Papushoi

I'm an enthusiastic, detail-oriented, and fast-learning Developer. I am passionate about coding and eager to contribute to a talented engineering team. I am always ready to learn something new and grow both professionally and personally. I'm interested in working with JavaScript, React, Node, and other technologies to develop quality solutions.


  1. Phonebook and movies [ HTML, CSS, JS, React, Redux Toolkit ] Individual project. Creating phonebook and movies projects on one website
  2. React projects [ HTML, CSS, JS, React, Redux Toolkit ] Individual project. Various React projects
  3. WebStudio [ HTML, CSS ] Individual project. Creating the website to show features, team, projects of Webstudio company
  4. HELLISH ENGLISH [ HTML, CSS ] Team project. We were creating landing page for Hellish English. I was working on section "Problems"
  5. Filmoteka [ HTML, CSS, JS, Rest API ] Team project. Creating movies library, where user can see top rated movies

Work Experience

Junior Full-Stack Engineer Ubos

November 2023 - present | Ukraine
  • Successful creation of ERP, CRM, and HRM systems: Developed several systems that significantly improved business process efficiency in companies.
  • Development and implementation of chatbots: Successfully completed several projects involving the development of chatbots to automate tasks and enhance customer interaction.
  • Integration of artificial intelligence into various business tasks: Implemented AI-based solutions that helped automate processes and increase productivity for various client tasks.


IT School GoIT

Full stack developer

March 2021 - May 2022 | Ukraine

Central Ukrainian National Technical University


September 2016 - June 2018 | Ukraine